Reports for Local Authorities

Reduce fraud, protect the vulnerable, save money and protect your reputation.

The risks of fraud and corruption in Local Government procurement is estimated to cost between £275m and £2.75bn and as a result, Local Authorities have a responsibility to prevent and recover these losses. Local Authorities also have a duty to ensure staff are appropriately vetted, especially if they are in positions of authority or dealing with vulnerable people.

On top of these risks are the threats to the organisation’s reputation when previously unknown information surfaces in the media.

Building on the principles of Fighting Fraud & Corruption Locally strategy 2020 and the Governments recent Local Authority Procurement Fraud and Corruption Risk Review, Reports4 can assist Local Authorities identify and manage various types of financial and reputational risks, improve transparency and reduce losses.


We can assist with areas such as:

 •    Vetting/Recruitment checks

•    New contract due diligence

•    Tennant frauds

•    Procurement Frauds

•    Review matters re Cyber crime

•    Review matters re Serious & organised crime


Features & Benefits:

Staff transparency – exploring the background and current lifestyles /activities of senior roles and those dealing with the vulnerable.

 e.g., Enforcement staff, support workers, senior staff.

Supplier transparency – due diligence on new suppliers and contracts – looking at history of wound-up companies, disqualified directors, bankruptcy, offshore holdings, associates and potential conflicts.

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